Many companies are unaware of the grants available to them. aaff can help identify opportunities and manage the entire application process.
aaff identifies and lists potential grant opportunities and handles the application process, including reviewing offers and preparing project proposals.
aaff is well-versed in a range of grants, including those related to environmental sustainability, energy savings, and investments. We ensure your applications are in good hands, working quickly with accountants to prepare audit opinions.
With over 30 years of experience, aaff is familiar with international regulations and works with organizations like the World Bank and the European Union. We have strong connections across regions, including Asia, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe.
For assistance, contact aaff for more information.
Valuation plays a crucial role in strategic business decisions, such as mergers, acquisitions, employee stock programs, and tax matters.
aaff Mergers and Acquisitions specializes in business valuations, acquisition and sale advisory, financing arrangements, and due diligence investigations.